Distance Learning Resources and Ideas for the Math Virtual Classroom

With so many math teachers being thrown into some for of distance learning or hybrid model, this post includes a roundup of engaging math resources that can be used in a virtual classroom. These secondary math activities and ideas will help keep your students motivated and learning in your math classroom. These include Google math activities, other digital math activities, and some ideas to incorporate into your class.

Google Math Games

For the middle school math grades, I now have a huge range of digital math games available. I have been working hard to create Google math games for all of my middle school math board games. The games include a wide range of concepts for 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade math. Better yet, all games come with the printable and digital option.


In addition to those board games, all of my Connect Four games for 6th grade math, 7th grade math, and 8th grade math include printable and digital versions as well. In these games, students solve problems as they try to become the first player to connect four consecutive spaces on their game board.

Digital Math Word Walls

Another useful resource for the virtual classroom are these great digital math word walls from Shana at Scaffolded Math and Science. In her post, she does a great job explaining how the digital versions of these word walls work. From elementary math to high school math, she has you covered when it comes to word walls. Be sure to check these out for your classroom this year!

Partner Work in the Digital Classroom

I love this post about fostering partner work and collaboration between students from Amanda at Free to Discover. In the virtual classroom, I think it can be difficult and sometimes intimidating to try to encourage partner and group work. This post highlights some easy to use ideas and tools to do just that. Amanda also has a great post about transitioning to digital activities in the math classroom.


Digital Mathematical Practices Sort

When it comes to familiarizing your students with the eight Standards for Mathematical Practices, Kacie Travis has this great Standards for Mathematical Practices Sorting Activity, which now includes a Google slides option for the digital setting. I know that I always need to find ways to better introduce and reinforce these standards. This activity is a great option to do that this year… or any year for that matter!


Digital Math Task Cards for Middle School

Whether it is in person, online, or some combination of the two, I love math task cards. Traditionally, in my math workshop model, I always had a set of regular task cards and a set of enrichment task cards. This allowed me to meet all of my students and differentiate based on how well they are understanding that concept. I now have these sets of task cards and enrichment task cards in digital format. Each of the full year sets have one free unit as well. My 6th grade math, 7th grade math, and 8th grade math task cards are great for all students. The enrichment task cards for 6th grade math, 7th grade math, and 8th grade math are perfect for higher level students or early finishers. All of these task cards are in Google slides, making them easy to share with students, complete online, and share back to the teacher to check.

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